First, some photos from my wanderings around the Ginza neighborhood while Momo was getting a haircut. Ginza is like 5th ave in New York.
If you can't speak the language, you can always get a hot can of coffee from a street vending mechine.
They're everywhere, just there on the street.
So are shrines (the red flags).
The shrine.
This is in "toy park", Tokyo's version of FAO Schwartz. This is a stand of Miffy dolls, in honor of my fat black cat.
This is Toy Park, 5 plus floors of toy mayhem.
The cabs here are fun colors.
A Ginza street corner.
Guitar shopping in Ochianomizu.
This could be my guitar.
This is at Skylark, a fast-food coffeeshop chain.
Momo at Skylark.
At the fancy Tempura place.
My plate from the fancy Tempura place. The cook each piece individually and place it in the stainless steel tray at the top of your plate. You then choose from the variety of bowls for dipping.
The Tempura cooks in action.
A large bank of drink, food, and otherwise machines in the alley outside of the tempura place.
That's all for now. More video soon and pictures from Kyoto.